stevexoh and jdwoof make something from the beach

Steve and I had been bumping into people who had seen the other things he had made and left on the beach. I felt a bit jealous; people knew he was here and were recognising what he was up to. I was still getting over jetlag and learning which way to cycle to get places. 

I feel a bit embarrassed admitting that jealousy/missing-out-ness/keeping-up-ness, but for me, it has been a significant part of being here and my creative practice in general - I find it easy to focus on where I am lacking (which I feel bored/frustrated by even as I write it).

After a week on Ocracoke of Steve and I painting/drawing/making separately (usually me inside and Steve outside) we decided to head to the beach together. I spotted a big lump of wood in the distance which we headed to and this ended up happening…


on the edges


Buried Treasure