Art materials are ordered!
This is potentially a boring update! But despite having a rather tagental and random imagination I am actually quite organised in making sure that things are in the right place at the right time. And as you have helped pay for the art materials it only feels appropriate to update you!
I was wondering how to get the materials to the island but my friend and brilliant artist Kazland recommended US website Blick and today I ordered some stuff to be delivered to Jim’s house next week. We will then drive it over to the island when I arrive.
It is difficult to know what we’ll need as I know I will end up using things I never knew I’d use and not use things I thought I would. In my artist residency at Glen Dye earlier this year I took back 2/3 of the stuff I brought with me - I can’t really do that with this trip.
So, I ordered basics. Paints, canvases, paper for drawing, card for paper cutting and various other bits and pieces like glue, spray paints, scalpels (etc).
There’s a few bits that will go in the suitcase - my collection of posca pens, brushes, Khadi paper but I’m glad the order is placed and will hopefully arrive in time.
Thanks so much for contributing to this. It made the upfront outlay for materials so much easier financially. :)