this is a weird week…

Steve is in Ocracoke! I'm not in Ocracoke. I'll be leaving the UK on Monday and will arrive on the island on Tuesday evening. It's kind of strange getting updates from him. At first, I thought I didn’t want to see them as I want it to be all new for me. But even if he filmed every moment of his day from his eyeballs, I'd still be discovering it for myself when I arrive.

Going to Ocracoke doesn't really feel real. I think at some level, I don't really think I'll make it there. I don't have a specific fear about what will prevent that. This might be because of the pandemic and how so many things were unpredictable/uncontrollable in more obvious ways than before. Or maybe it's because of my somewhat unconscious habit of being pessimistic to attempt to guard against disappointment.

I dunno. Either way I think this week (less than a week) is going to be a bit of a strange one.


Getting to know David - an improvised evening


The adventure begins - arriving on Ocracoke